The fund seeks to achieve total return, targeted to be above Eurozone inflation over the recommended investment period of more than five (5) years, through capital growth, income and relative-value trades. To reach this objective, the fund will invest in a wide range of traditional assets (e.g. equities, bonds, money markets and currencies) and in some inflation-sensitive assets (e.g. commodities such as gold and copper and inflation-linked instruments.)
This Sub-Fund is an actively managed UCITS. The investment manager has discretion over the composition of its portfolio, subject to the stated investment objectives and policy.
This sub-fund does neither have sustainable investment as its objective in accordance with article 9(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (“SFDR”), nor does it promote environmental or social characteristics in accordance with article 8(1) SFDR. For further information on the exposure of the Sub-Fund’s investments to sustainability risks, please refer to section 29 of the General Section of this prospectus.