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Carmignac obtains French government SRI label for three funds
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Carmignac, leading independent European asset manager, has obtained 3 French government SRI labels by the independent accreditation body AFNOR. The labels were awarded to two of our equity funds, Carmignac Emergents and Carmignac Portfolio Grande Europe, and to our multi-asset emerging market fund Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine.
True to Carmignac’s investment style, all three funds adopt a flexible, non-benchmarked approach and incorporate ESG analysis and scoring in their investment process. They specifically differentiate themselves from our fund range by seeking a low carbon emissions objective and include a positive impact.
Sandra Crowl, Stewardship Manager, commented: “This label reflects our commitment to Responsible Investment. This is the first time in the label’s history that a multi-asset emerging market fund has been awarded this accreditation.”
Since inception, Carmignac has instilled a strong ethical principle against investing in harmful industries, in particular tobacco and coal producers. We are determined to continue this meaningful path to offer sustainable, long term investment solutions to our investors through our mainstream ESG integration approach, and active voting policy, as well as our specific SRI fund range based on solid and transparent processes. Since 2012, we have made a public commitment to adopt and apply the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI).
Bio Sandra Crowl, Stewardship Manager
Sandra Crowl joined Carmignac in 2007 and is a Member of the Investment Committee and Stewardship Manager. She started her career at Bankers Trust Australia in 1987. In 1991, she transferred to the Paris office to manage the Foreign Exchange team. In 1993, she moved to London office where she was appointed Managing Director for the European Foreign Exchange team. In 2003, she shifted to the fund management industry joining the new hedge fund seeding firm New Alpha Advisers, a subsidiary of the alternative funds boutique ADI. Sandra holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and French from the University of Melbourne. She is also a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) since 2007.
About the SRI Label
The SRI label is a French Finance Ministry certification to identify sustainable and responsible investment vehicles. Its goal is to increase the visibility of SRI products among savers in France and Europe. The Socially Responsible investment approach aims at reconciling economic performance, social and environmental impact by financing companies contributing to a sustainable development in all business sectors. The SRI label, issued at the end of a strict audit led by one of the two designated accreditation bodies, constitutes a unique assurance for the savers wishing to participate in a more sustainable economy.